Monday, February 14, 2011

All Command in Dota Map Test

DotA v6.71b Single Player commands

General Test Commands
These commands can be executed at any moment. They don't require any unit selection.

-commandlistXShow available test commands, where X = 1..3
-clalias for -commandlist
-fogon and -fogoffToggle fog of war.
-rune X YSpawn a rune of type X=[1-5] in rune spot Y=[1-2]. Use without parameters for a detailed hint.
-crtnt XSpawn a neutral camp of type X at the Sentintel's neutral spot between between the 2nd towers in bottom and mid line. Use -1 or -2as X to see a list of allowed Ancient and Big or Middle and Smallspawns.
-ssSpawn a Siege unit. Similar to -spawncreeps.
-upgrade F XSet the upgrade level for lane creeps in faction F to X (Use "n" for Sentinels, "u" for Scourge or no letter for both). Maximum level is 20. Note: upgrade level cannot be lowered.
-ru XSet the upgrade level for Roshan to X (each level gives 500 hp and 0.5 armor). Note: upgrade level cannot be lowered.
-createheroXSummon a hero at mid line. X can be the hero's unique number or name.
-herolist TShows the list of heroes in tavern T which can be summoned by -createhero. Use without parameters for a list of tavern names.
-reviveRevive last picked hero immediately.
-ra/re/rcRefresh All/Enemy/Allied units on map.

Unit Specific Test Commands
These commands work on the selected unit. If no unit selected, they will target the last picked hero.
If none of these exist, these commands do nothing.

-agi XSet the strength of the chosen hero to X.
-str XSet the agility of the chosen hero to X.
-int XSet the intelligence of the chosen hero to X.
-owner XChange the owner of the unit to another faction (0...15)
-controlSet up owner of unit to Shared Control with you.
-visionSet up owner of unit to Shared Vision with you.
-setms XSet unit move speed (min - 100, max - 522)
-chargesX YSet the charges for the item in slot X to Y. Not recommended for unchargeable items, but shouldn't crash anyway.
-nc XSet number of Shadow Fiend Necromastery souls.
-debuffRemove all positive and negative buffs from the unit.
-invulToggles between vulnerable / invulnerable.
-invisToggles between visible / invisible
-pathonTurn on unit pathing (cannot move through other objects)
-pathoffTurn off unit pathing true (can move through other objects)
-xp XSet the hero's xp to X. can only increase xp.
-life XSet HP of the chosen unit to X
-mana XSet MP of the chosen unit to X
-wardsGive 1000 Observer Wards to the chosen hero.

Changes to existing commands

-scalias for -spawncreeps
-wtfCan now be toggled at any moment.
-lvlup XNow works for any targeted unit.
-killNow works for any targeted unit.
-msNow works for any targeted unit.
-refreshNow works for any targeted unit.
-rAlias for -refresh


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